Doomsday Pasta

Comfort Food For The End Of The World

We often get asked why the name ‘Doomsday Pasta’ and I either offer a very long drawn out tale or the more succinct “Comfort Food For The End of The World.”

Ultimately the name Doomsday Pasta means hope. A belief that even if the world is literally on fire, we can eat well. Aways striving to do the very best with what we have where we are.

I am surrounded by incredible people, farmers and friends who tend to this land with intention and strength. They grow our flour, their chickens lay our eggs, even our salt comes from right here in the Finger Lakes.

We are lucky and we know it and we want you to know it too.

  • "Mom (with tears in her eyes) I only want Doomsday Pasta..."

    Anjali age 9

  • "This is Doomsday Pasta? She is going to be selling a LOT of it!"

    Josephine age 11

  • "The first time I had Doomsday Pasta was on a cold and rainy night in January. It was very warming and creamy and comforting and the perfect touch to an evening night. From that point on I fell in love with Doomsday Pasta."

    Isaac age 13

  • "Yummy, Delicious, Yum, Eggy, Thank Youuuu!"

    Rosie age 2

Welcome to the world of Doomsday Pasta!

Got questions? We (probably) have answers!